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Goodbye Winter

Writer: AdminAdmin

Updated: Aug 20, 2019

Winter is coming to an end. The long evenings cuddled up on the couch, in front of a blazing fire with a good book or movie are slowly drawing to an end. It’s almost time to come out of hibernation and recharge the body with the freshness of spring.

Spring is my favourite season – it signifies new growth, birth, somehow a new beginning – a period to present ourselves in a new light – a better light -more positively or with a vitality to embrace change.

I like to create some rituals -sort of a spring clean for life.

  1. Clean out your wardrobe - how long has it been since you last wore those clothes? Are you keeping those pants that you will get into if only you lose another 2kgs? Donate them to your local charity shop.

  2. Adopt cold water therapy – set a 30-day challenge of having a 3-minute cold shower as soon as you rise. Slow your breath prior to getting in – this will help your body adjust to the cold. this is not only invigorating but helps stimulate lymphatic circulation, helps reduce inflammation it also helps reduce depression by triggering a flood of mood-boosting neurotransmitters, which make you feel happy.

  3. Have a healthy raw breakfast each morning – I like a green smoothie to start the day.

  4. Clean out your pantry. Check expiry dates on foods. Eliminate foods with refined sugar and ideally processed foods. Stock up on herbs, spices, raw seeds and nuts.

  5. Invest in a whole food cookbook or raw food recipe book. Aim to make at least 2 recipes per week from it.

  6. Find space in your day for a walk – aim for 30 mins at least. Walking helps stimulate good endorphins that make you feel happy and stimulates circulation.

Make time for you.

It's time to fill your cup!



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